Synoptic Observations of the Solar Corona during Carrington Rotations 1580-1596 - (11 October 1971-15 January 1973)

(R.A. Howard, M. J. Koomen, D. J. Michels, R. Tousey, C. R. Detwiler, D. E. Roberts, R. T. Seal and J. D. Whitney, R. T and S. F. Hansen, C. J. Garcia and E. Yasukawa.)
etc., Charts, diagrams
Förlag År Ort Om boken ISBN
World Data Center A for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, NOAA, Environmental Data Service, National oceanic and atmospheric administration, U.S. Department of Commerce 1975 USA, Boulder, CO, Asheville, North Carolina, USA ii, 199 sidor illustrationer 28 cm